Former Teaching
RG Analysis and Partial Differential Equations
Teaching summer term 2018:
- S1G1 Chaotische Dynamik Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Lisa Onkes
- V1G2 Analysis 2 Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- V4B4 - Lecture course Advanced Global Analysis II Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- V4B5 - Real and harmonic analysis Instructor: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich, Assistant: Dr. Olli Saari
- S4B2 - Summer School 2018 - Unique Continuation and Inverse Problems, Kopp, 02.-09.09.2018 Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Angkana Rüland (MPI MIS Leipzig), Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S4B3 - Graduate Seminar on Global Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Olli Saari, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Tino Ullrich
- Oberseminar Global Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here: NEXT
Teaching winter term 2017/2018:
- V1G1/MB01 - Vorlesung Analysis I Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Franz Gmeineder
- V4B3 - Lecture course Advanced Global Analysis I Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- V5B4 - Selected Topics in PDE and Mathematical Models - Dispersive Equations Instructor: Dr. Xian Liao
- Oberseminar Global Analysis and Operators Algebras Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- S2B2 - Hauptseminar Partielle Differentialgleichungen Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Lisa Onkes
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis - Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Dr. Blazej Wrobel
- S4B2 - Summer School 2017 - Decoupling and Polynomial Methods in Analysis, Kopp, 01.-06.10.2017 Instructors: Dr. Shaoming Guo (Indinana University at Bloomington), Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S4B3 - Graduate Seminar on Global Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Matthias Lesch
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Tino Ullrich
- S5B3 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis - Regularity of maximal functions Instructors: Dr. Olli Saari, Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here: NEXT
Teaching summer term 2017:
- V3B2/F4B1 - PDE and Modelling Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Xian Liao
- V5B8: Selected Topics in Analysis - Weighted inequalities Instructor: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Dr. Tino Ullrich
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here:
- Oberseminar Analysis (Institute for Applied Mathematics IAM) Organizers: Dr. André Schlichting, Prof. Dr. Sergio Conti, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller, Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer, Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf, Prof. Dr. Juan Velázquez
Teaching winter term 2016/2017:
- S2B1 - Hauptseminar Funktionalanalysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V3B1/F4B1 - PDE and Functional Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Xian Liao
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- V5B7 - Advanced Topics in Analysis Instructor: Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva
- V5B8 - Selected Topics in Analysis Instructor: Dr. Roland Donninger
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Dr. Roland Donninger, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here:
- Oberseminar Analysis (Institute for Applied Mathematics IAM) Organizers: Dr. Christian Seis, Prof. Dr. Sergio Conti, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller, Prof. Dr. Barbara Niethammer, Prof. Dr. Martin Rumpf, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Prof. Dr. Juan Velázquez
Teaching summer term 2016:
- V2B2 - Einführung in die partiellen Differentialgleichungen Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Dr. Christian Zillinger
- V2B3 - Einführung in die Komplexe Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva, Assistant: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S4B2 - Sommerschule 'Paraproducts and Analysis of Rough Paths', Kopp (Eifel), 11. - 16. September 2016 Instructors: Prof. Dr. Massimiliano Gubinelli, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Dr. Roland Donninger, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Mariusz Mirek, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich
Teaching winter term 2015/2016:
- V2B1 - Analysis III Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar Analysis - Nonlinear Fourier Transform Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele and Dr. Roland Donninger
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and PDE - An introduction to Calderon-Zygmond theory Instructor: Dr. Mariusz Mirek
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and PDE - Multiple Recurrence Instructor: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- V5B2 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDE - Spectral Theory and Evolution Equations Instructor: Dr. Roland Donninger
- V5B4 - Selected Topics in PDE and Mathematical Models - Free Boundary Problems Instructor: Dr. Wenhui Shi
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Paris-Nord / Zürich Date and room will be announced here:
Teaching summer term 2015:
- V1G2 - Analysis II Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva
- S1G1 - Zahlen und Spiele Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Pavel Zorin-Kranich
- S4B1 - Graduate Seminar on Analysis Instructors: Dr. Roland Donninger, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch,
- S4B2 Summer school 'Sharp Inequalities in Harmonic Analysis ', Kopp (Eifel), August 30 - September 4, 2015 Organizers: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele (Bonn Univ.) together with Prof. Dr. Rupert Frank (Caltech, Pasadena) and Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva (Bonn Univ.)
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and PDE Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Dr. Roland Donninger, Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Zürich / Paris-Nord Date and room will be announced here:
Teaching winter term 2014/2015:
- V1G1 - Analysis I Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Assistant: Dr. Diogo Oliveira e Silva
- S2B2 - Hauptseminar Partielle Differentialgleichungen Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Dr. Wenhui Shi
- V4B5 - "Real and Harmonic Analysis" Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Gennady Uraltsev
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele, Dr. Roland Donninger
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Zürich / Paris-Nord Date and room will be announced here:
Teaching summer term 2014:
- S4B2 - Summer school - Carleson theorems and Radon type behavior, Bonn, May 26 - 30, 2014 Instructors: Prof. Dr. Lillian Pierce together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- V5B1 - Selected Topics in Analysis and PDE's - Pointwise ergodic theorems Instructor: Dr. Mariusz Mirek
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Dr. Mariusz Mirek together with Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele. Friday 14:15-16:00, room 0.011
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Zürich / Paris-Nord Date and room will be announced here:
- Summer school 'SLE, conformal welding, and random graphs', Lake Arrowhead, September 21 - 26, 2014 Organizers: Christoph Thiele (Bonn Univ., UCLA) together with Mario Bonk (UCLA) and Huy Tran (U Wash. Seattle and UCLA)
Teaching winter term 2013/2014:
- V1G1/MB01 - Vorlesung "Analysis I" Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Karl-Theodor Sturm; Assistants: Dr. Sebastian Andres, Angkana Rüland
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B3 - Graduate Seminar on New Developments in Partial Differential Equations Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Stefan Müller
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Zürich / Paris-Nord
- Summer school 'Optimal Transport and Applications', Lake Arrowhead, October 6 - 11, 2013 Organizers: Christoph Thiele (Bonn Univ., UCLA) together with Nestor Guillen (UCLA) and Dimitri Shlyakhtenko (UCLA)
Teaching summer term 2013:
- S1G1 - Seminar Eindimensionale Dynamik Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Angkana Rüland
- V4B5 - Real and Harmonic Analysis Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S4B2 - Summer school - T(1) and T(b) theorems and applications , Kopp (Eifel), 21 - 26. Juli 2013 Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele together with Diogo Oliveira e Silva (Bonn)
- V5B1 - Advanced Topics in Analysis and PDE Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- S5B1 - Graduate Seminar on Advanced Topics in PDE Instructors: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Zürich / Paris-Nord
Teaching winter term 2012/2013:
- MB04 - Vorlesung "Analysis in mehreren Veränderlichen" Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch, Assistant: Clemens Kienzler
- V4B1 - Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations I Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S4B1 - Nonlinear Fourier Transform Instructor: Prof. Dr. Christoph Thiele
- S5B3 - Graduate Seminar "New Developments in Partial Differential Equations" Instructor: Prof. Dr. Herbert Koch
- Video seminar Berkeley / Bonn / Zürich / Paris-Nord (Thursday, 6:10 p.m., once a month, room will be announced)
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