Date and Time: 13 December 2024, 2:05pm
Location: MPIM Lecture Hall
Speaker: (Tess Bouis, Universität Regensburg)
Title: Motivic cohomology of singular schemes two
Abstract: I will present a new theory of motivic cohomology for general (qcqs) schemes, which generalises the construction of Elmanto-Morrow over a field. It is related to non-connective algebraic K-theory via an Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. In particular, it is non-A^1-invariant in general, but it recovers classical motivic cohomology on smooth schemes over a field (by the work of Elmanto-Morrow) or over a Dedekind domain (by recent work in progress with Arnab Kundu). I will also discuss how one can import results from prismatic cohomology to study this theory of motivic cohomology.
Location: MPIM Lecture Hall
Speaker: (Tess Bouis, Universität Regensburg)
Title: Motivic cohomology of singular schemes two
Abstract: I will present a new theory of motivic cohomology for general (qcqs) schemes, which generalises the construction of Elmanto-Morrow over a field. It is related to non-connective algebraic K-theory via an Atiyah-Hirzebruch spectral sequence. In particular, it is non-A^1-invariant in general, but it recovers classical motivic cohomology on smooth schemes over a field (by the work of Elmanto-Morrow) or over a Dedekind domain (by recent work in progress with Arnab Kundu). I will also discuss how one can import results from prismatic cohomology to study this theory of motivic cohomology.
Catharina Stroppel erhält Ehrendoktorwürde der Universität Uppsala
Ausschreibung: "Hausdorff Chair", Bewerbungsfrist: 15. März 2025
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Catharina Stroppel erhält Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz-Preis 2023